Unity/Unity 리서치

[RTS Engine] Object Pooling 이 제대로 안될 때

lipnus 2022. 3. 30. 20:53

Effect의 Pooling을 담당하는 부분



        private Dictionary<string, Queue<EffectObj>> effectObjs = new Dictionary<string, Queue<EffectObj>>(); //this holds all inactive effect objects of different types.

		// ...

        public void AddFreeEffectObj (EffectObj instance)
            Queue<EffectObj> currentQueue = new Queue<EffectObj>();
            if (effectObjs.TryGetValue(instance.GetCode(), out currentQueue) == false) //if the queue for this effect object type is not found
                effectObjs.Add(instance.GetCode(), currentQueue); //add it

            Debug.Log($"AddFreeEffectObj: {instance.GetCode()}");
            currentQueue.Enqueue(instance); //add the effect object to the right queue


여기 Queue에 들어가야 재활용 될 수 있음



// ...
        public void Disable()
            if (CurrentState == State.disabling) //if the effect object is already being disabled

            onDisableEvent.Invoke(); //invoke the event.

            timer = disableTime; //start the disable timer
            CurrentState = State.disabling; //we're now disabling the effect object

        private void DisableInternal ()
            transform.SetParent(null, true); //Make sure it has no parent object anymore.
            CurrentState = State.inactive;

            EffectObjDisabled(this); //trigger custom event

Destroy되면 제발로 Queue에 들어간다. 구분은 Code의 string값으로 함



이런식으로 OnDestroyEvent에서 SetActive(false)해버리면,

Queue에 들어가기 전에 InActive되어서 Queue에 못들어가서 재활용 불가.


EffectObj.cs코드보면 저 이벤트 발생이 Queue에 들어가는 것보다 선행됨.


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