Unity/Asset 분석

[Lux Water] Quick Start

lipnus 2021. 5. 29. 19:17



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Lux Water

Lux Water Lux Water is a simple yet robust solution to render water surfaces, which is focused on giving you reliable results as far as refraction, reflection and lighting are concerned. Lux Water Volumes allow you to get pixel accurate and seamless transi



① Main Camera에 다음 Component들을 추가

만약 잘 안된다면 이걸 빼먹는 경우가 많을듯 함

Lux Water_Camera Depth Mode : 기본.

Lux Water_Extended Flycam : WASD로 카메라 움직이는거. (없어도 됨)


② 3D Object 세팅

체크 안한건 부가 옵션이고 없어도 물은 생긴다.

Shader가 Lux Water인 Mesh Render만 추가하면 됨.
