Library\PackageCache\com.unity.purchasing@3.0.2\Runtime\AppleCore\INativeAppleStore.cs(5,42): error CS0122: 'UnityPurchasingCallback' is inaccessible due to its protection level
코드끼리 꼬여서 난 에러.
Unity 2019.4.23 'UnityPurchasingCallback' is inaccessible due to its protection level
After upgrading to 2019.4.23 I get this i removed the InAppPurchasing and reinstalled, got sure is the 3.0.1 Any ideas? [IMG]
= 해결방법이 없다?
Solution #1
① Assets/Script
② Asset/Plugin
에서 UnityPurchasing폴더 삭제
③Packages/manifest.json 에서 IAP 삭제
= IAP가 완전히 삭제됨 & 꼬여있는 것을 일단 해결하기 위한 용도
Solution #2
유니티 포럼 개발자 답변
The path problem should be addressed now in Unity 2019.1.6f1. However, there are other issues. You might make progress by enabling IAP, but DO NOT choose Import in the Services window. Instead, download the 1.22 Unity IAP asset from the Asset Store. This may also only partially work, and may leave the UnityPurchasing, UnityChannel and UDP asset packages in the Assets/Plugins/UnityPurchasing folder. Double click on each of these in turn, and make sure to say "Yes, I have made a backup" if prompted to update the API. On another project, I (made a backup first) deleted the Library folder just prior to upgrading to IAP 1.22 and used the Asset Store version, it imported without issue.
IAP 1.22 Issues with early Unity 2019.1 releases
There are known issues with the latest version of Unity IAP 1.22 and Unity 2019 that we are looking into. The import process may fail, and you may see...
Solution #3
com.unity.purchasing의 버전을 3.1.0으로 변경